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For Governments, Institutions, Companies, and Non-Profit Organizations

Our curation services represent a commitment to excellence across a diverse spectrum of art specialties.


Our team boasts expertise in the following areas:

Artist Residencies

We proudly oversee artist residencies, nurturing creativity and artistic exploration in emerging talents. These programs are designed to encourage the evolution of art across various genres and historical periods.

Exhibition Curation

With in-house experts in Old Masters, Impressionism, 20th-century, and Contemporary art, our seasoned curators possess an in-depth understanding of these art movements. They meticulously curate movement-focused or innovative exhibitions that bridge eras and styles, expertly organizing art displays that captivate art enthusiasts.

Additionally, we recognize that each space has its architectural constraints and opportunities. Our team collaborates closely with the architecture of each location to optimize the impact of every project. This approach ensures that our curated exhibitions harmoniously interact with the environment, creating a seamless and impactful art experience. Our commitment to integrating spatial dynamics and architectural nuances elevates the resonance and overall impact of our curated projects, offering an art experience that transcends time and place.

Artistic collaborations

We lead artistic collaboration projects: creating products, displays, artistic installations, reinforcing the brand image, and highlighting the creativity and identity of your company.


Artistic direction of working spaces

 We offer artistic direction services to create workspaces that stimulate the creativity of your employees, set you apart, and strengthen your brand image.

Ask us any question you may have regarding your exhibition projects and we will let you know if and how we can help

Selected Past Projects


Exhibition Curation & Acquisition Advisory

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Exhibitions curation & Cultural Strategy Advisory

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Exhibition Curation & Events

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Exhibitions Curation & Strategy



Exhibitions Curation

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Contact us

Let us help you reach your goals as a collector, an institution, or a corporation

desiring to develop artistic and cultural initiatives.

Contact us with a project, or any questions about one of our departments by clicking on a button below

For any other inquiry, please reach out to us here

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